
Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality

What is Augmented Reality?

Augmented reality (AR) is an environment that includes both virtual reality and real-world elements. For instance, an AR user sees the real world but with the addition of computer generated images which are overlaid on various objects within the real world. They are still aware that they are in the real world as compared to the full immersion in a virtual world. They use a device such as a smartphone or a wearable device – complete with a webcam – which contains software that recognises an image and helps displays this onto an object.

How does it work?

Using a mobile application, a mobile phone’s camera identifies and interprets a marker, often a target image. The Augmented Reality software analyses the marker and creates a virtual image overlay on the mobile phone’s screen, tied to the position of the camera. This means the app works with the camera to interpret the angles and distance the mobile phone is away from the marker. Due to the number of calculations a phone must do to render the image or model over the marker, often only smartphones are capable of supporting augmented reality with any success. Phones need a camera, and if the data for the AR is not stored within the app, a good 4G Internet connection.

Augmented reality in real estate

Unlike virtual reality, Augmented Reality superimposes images or text over our view of the world. It blurs the line between reality and technology thereby creating a seamless experience for the viewer. 

In real estate, AR lets potential buyers tour a property via their smartphones regardless of their location. AR also lets realtors tweak the room’s designs and styles either choosing a traditional or modern finish.

AR has many benefits for realtors and it’s important to see how current methods can be improved.

Visualization is key in real estate and has the power to make or break a sale. It’s the realtor’s goal to help buyers see if the listing aligns with their needs.
But the current tools realtors use have limitations, for example:

  • Visiting each site in-person is time-consuming
  • Text descriptions say little about the listing
  • Photo adverts don’t show the property’s full aesthetic
  • 3D models are interactive but don’t offer a complete representation

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