
Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality

What is Virtual Reality?

Virtual Reality is now a common term and many people understand what it is. However, not may people know how this technology can be used and in what segments beyond gaming.

Virtual Reality was initially mainly used in the gaming applications and very recently this technology has been tried in other segments. Besides gaming, this technology finds a lot of use in sectors like Education, Healthcare, Pharmaceutical, Entertainment, Fashion, Heritage, Engineering, Sports, Scientific Visualization, Construction, FMCG, etc. Virtual-reality headsets are now being used in many industries as a way of training people or providing a new way to experience things. With many companies launching their VR headsets, some amazing and innovative ways to use this technology have already appeared that could drastically impact people in their daily lives.

Virtual reality in real estate

The entire procedure of buying property is simplified with a virtual reality mobile app. Prospective buyers can now log to real estate app to get a virtual view. They can seek a list of specific real estate properties. Upon selection of ownership, the customer can wear a VR headset to gain the virtual experience of exploring the property.

  • Customers can view the property, and the sales executive can confirm the principal approval with AI robotic processes to retrieve the credit score and financial details to accurately determine the mortgage amount.
  • Mortgage limits and property details will be displayed in the VR headset for the customer to view.
  • Using hand controllers, customers can show interest in a property, view another feature or seek additional information.

When it comes to purchasing a house or real estate property, it’s now possible for prospective buyers to connect to a mobile app to communicate with a real estate agent and interact with a virtual agent

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